Validation of the Three Waves of Change®

From a Public Relations perspective, Leslie Gaines-Ross¹ of Burson-Marsteller applied the stages of Gabarro's model to the transition of new CEOs and their processes of building reputations. She found that Wall Street analysts, investors, and other key external and internal stake holders typically gave the CEO about five quarters before the CEO was expected to present his or her selected executive team and a definitive action plan to implement changes to improve the performance of the business. For these types of transitions, most of our coaching and consulting assignments have been intermittent but consistent engagements lasting five to six quarters, once the Second Wave (Reshaping) is successfully underway and our assistance is needed less or not at all. Like all well-proven business models, the Three Waves of Change℠ model of executive transition demonstrates strong convergent validity. Convergent validity is indicated when similar results and conclusions are realized by otherwise independent parties testing the same model. Try applying this model to your own experiences. Think of your own career and / or the many leaders you might have helped onboard.
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1. Gaines-Ross, Leslie. CEO capital: A guide to building CEO reputation and company success. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2003.


Burson-Marsteller, Press Release regarding the CEO Capital Study: "CEOs Have Only Five Fiscal Quarters to Prove Themselves According to New National Study of Business Influentials:" 10/25/2001.

Related Links:

The Strength of the Three Waves of Change® Model (Current Page)

A Sample of Organizational Diagnostic Tools (Typically during the Immersion Stage)

Implications of the Three Waves of Change® Model of Senior Executive Transitions

Three Waves of Change® Products and Services


Wiznami Corp. is an a senior executive coaching service based in Naples, Flroida.